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Things that make you go ‘hmmm’

One of our newest staff members, Dawn, wrote this weeks post about those questions (and things) in life that make you think. ~Solveig

There are some things that defy explanation such as the lone shoe in the middle of the highway.  I’ve seen a one shoe on the road many times.  It always makes me wonder how it ended up on the road.  I know how some get there because I’ve been the perpetrator.  However, I was only 4 years old and my mom busted me before I could heave the mate out of the car window as well.  The shoes I’ve seen aren’t child size.  They’re grown up size!

How about the shoe on the electrical line?  Or the shoe with the bear attached.  Heck there was even an entire shoe tree in Nevada until vandals cut it down in late 2010.  It became quite a tourist attraction and was home to thousands of pairs of shoes.

I decided to search the Internet for insight into my shoe question and found that many people posted provocative and/or humorous questions that should make us all think a little.  I’ve listed a few below if you’d like to challenge your friends or just start an argument.

Oh and by the way…I found the answer also.  The lone shoe on the side of road is searching for his sole mate.

  • If a business is open 24/7, why are there locks on the door?
  • How do you fold a fitted sheet?
  • If you found a wallet that had a lot of money in it, would you keep it?  If no one saw you pick it up, would you keep the money and give the i.d. back to the owner or would you keep the wallet?
  • If you could use magic to manipulate anyone you choose, would you?
  • Why do they put braille on the keypads of drive-up ATM’s?
  • Why do they serve seafood at Sea World?

Tweens and Social Media

As social networks continue to grow and appeal to a younger audience, parents are increasingly concerned about the safety and security of their children while using the platforms. Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published an interesting article about tweens, social media safety and how marketers are working to create content parents will approve of.

Read the full article here: Tweens’ Secret Lives Online

Run, Run as Fast as You Can!

Our resident runner, Elise, conquered the Ragnar Relay Race in Southern California last weekend and is sharing her experience with us in the post below. ~Solveig

The challenge: Get 12 runners to run more than 200 miles in under 48 hours. As a member of team “Happy Feet,” I had the opportunity run in my first Ragnar Relay Race in beautiful Southern California concluding in San Diego.

While the actual event took place April 19-20, the real journey began months ago with exhaustive drills, long runs and lots and lots of hills. As a long time competitive swimmer, “dry land” has always seemed a little foreign to me. Perhaps the biggest difference was that you could breathe whenever you want.

Here are a few snapshot memories from an experience I will never forget, and one I am looking to replicate very soon in Las Vegas.

Do you “pin”?

Pinterest launched in March 2010 and by its one-year anniversary, it had taken over the social media landscape. By allowing “pinners” to share their pins on Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest gained a massive following. Currently, the pinboard-style, social photo sharing website is the third most popular social network.

While some of us at The Firm aren’t quite sold on using the site yet, a couple of us are obsessed. It’s like a one stop shop for anything and everything! Feeling crafty? Search. Looking for a new recipe for the crock-pot? Search. Need ideas for a fun wedding favor? Search. Need some style inspiration? Search. Need some workout tips? Search. The possibilities are endless.

If you are new to pinning, Pinterest offers a page of pins explaining some great ways to use the site.

What are some of your favorite pins?

Want to see something really scary?

Jasen, a vice president at The Firm, is a HUGE fan of horror movies. So instead of waiting until October 31, it was fitting to ask him to post in advance of Friday the 13th. ~Solveig

 There was a young boy who drowned
Then he gained 200 pounds
You hear the sound *hack*
And scream “Jason’s Back!”
Then the campers are nowhere to be found

I wrote that poem for English class in the seventh grade. We had to put together a poetry packet and 90 percent of my “collection” ended up being about Jason/ “Friday the 13th,” Freddy/ “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” Michael/ “Halloween,” Leatherface/ “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” and even little possessed Regan from “The Exorcist.”

Photo: found on the Internet, showing various “Jason Voorhees” hockey masks from the various “Friday the 13th” films.

I’m not sure where it came from but I have always loved horror – films, television shows, books, you name it. As a young teenager, instead of posters of cars or athletes, my walls were lined with photos of horror icons from the ‘70s and ‘80s.

Before the popularity of home movie rentals and cable TV – when movies were shown once a year creating a true “event” – my event movie was not “The Wizard of Oz.” I preferred “Halloween” or “The Amityville Horror.”

Growing up in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1981 I remember watching “Happy Birthday to Me” at Ronnie’s 66 Drive-In and thinking it was the best thing I had ever seen. Do you remember USA Network’s “Saturday Nightmares” from back in the day? You just couldn’t beat that – or at least I couldn’t.

Well it wasn’t a phase. I still love horror. And luckily there is still a lot of really great stuff being produced on film and television (along with a lot of crap, too.) I am excited to see “The Cabin in the Woods” this weekend; I think I have a few Italian horror movies at the top of my Netflix queue; and I am already eagerly awaiting the return of “The Walking Dead” on AMC.

What about you – what are your favorite horror movies?

(P.S. – I do enjoy other genres, as well. One of my favorite films of all time is “Terms of Endearment” and I recommend “Hunger Games” even if you, like me, have not read the book.)

Craft Corner: String Egg Baskets

Our office manager Rachel always has great, creative ideas for crafts. For our post today, we asked her to show us how to make something for Easter. Enjoy! ~Solveig

Introduction video

How-to video

String Egg Baskets
Items needed:

  • Balloon
  • Crochet string
  • Double sided tape (optional)
  • Liquid starch
  • Large bucket
  • Ribbon (optional)
  • Scissors

Blow up the balloon to the preferred size for the basket. If needed, add double-sided tape to help with the next step. Wrap the balloon in crochet string. Place the balloon in liquid starch and roll it in the starch until covered. Let dry over night.

Pop the balloon. Cut a hole or pattern in the crochet string for the opening of the basket. If desired, use ribbon to cover the ends of the crochet string where the hole was cut. Fill the basket with Easter goodies!

Draw Something

We were on the bandwagon for Angry Birds and Words With Friends, but now we’ve jumped ship to an app that allows us to create illustrations. Our newest favorite is Draw Something. It’s a Pictionary-like game that allows users to draw images of their choice and then challenge friends to guess what the object is using Scrabble-like tiles.

Our fearless leader Solveig and her entire family are addicted.

Some users have created works of art, featured in this recent Mashable article.

Draw Something is available for iPhone and Android devices.

Spring Forward: Women’s Spring Fashion Trends

One of our newest staff members, Katie, is our resident fashionista. With a keen eye for fashion and what’s “in” now, we asked her to help keep us up-to-date with her blog post below.   ~Solveig

Have you ever stared at your closet, looking for your favorite shirt knowing exactly where you thought you put it, but come across something you haven’t seen in ten years?

It’s time for an update and if you don’t know where to start, throw away or donate these outdated garments and hit your favorite store. After all, it’s called retail therapy for a reason.

Brights, Lights, Action
No one wants to look like a walking highlighter but sometimes a pop of color with an accessory such as a headband, clutch or necklace can make an outfit really stand out.

Brights, Lights, Action

Coral, sapphire, lime green and canary yellow are the most popular colors for springing into summer, but in the Vegas heat, they’re always fun to play up.

Color blocking has been a popular term fashion experts have been frequently using, but it’s just another way to describe pairing “like brights” together. For example, would you ever think to pair a fuchsia top with a pair of red jeans? With the right symmetrical cut, it makes for a glamorous combination. My recommendation would be to look for this trend in a bathing suit, sometimes a little color goes a long way, especially when you’re trying to catch some rays.

Flower Power

Flower Power

It’s spring. Floral prints are the best way to bring a certain girly, feminine brightness to any outfit. Sometimes the pattern can be really distinct, mimicking a polkadot pattern or they can be abstract, digitally arranged, to almost look like a piece of art.  This is more of a preppy look so pair some flats or a neutral wedge to support this style.

Out of Africa/Tribal
Who wouldn’t want to look like an Indian princess or African queen? These pieces speak for themselves. They’re vibrant, tribal and are fun to wear out for a night on the town.  The hemlines are mostly shorter,

Out of Africa/Tribal

take on bold colors and can sometimes be cropped to add drama. Add a thick cuff bracelet or statement earrings but keep your hairstyle simple.  With such a loud garment, try an updo or a sleek bun to show off your skin.

Sorbet Soiree
More of a simplistic, low key kind of girl? Easter is quickly approaching (April 8) so why not wear a pastel shade to match the season. Mints, custards, baby pinks and blues are delicate colors but carry the most elegance. I’ve been seeing these colors mostly with leggings (jean leggings) and skirts. For more of a casual look, match a clean white t-shirt with a pair of Converse sneakers.

Sorbet Soiree

To try more of a girly flare, pair a pastel with a floral or polkadot top.

Trends provide the most innovative ways to rock an outfit and taking a risk is the first step…who knows you might surprise yourself.


  • Looking to make a statement? Try bright colors, florals, ethnic prints, and pastels for spring. They’re current and fun to experiment with.
  • In most cases, trends are fashion forward and over the top, but surprisingly a lot of styles from the ‘70s and ‘80s are making a comeback. Make observations and try what’s best for you.
  • The best trend to commit to is YOU! Stay true to yourself and what influences your style. Confidence is the best accessory.

Introducing: Hooch The Dog

I’m Hooch Allen and was adopted by Solveig and her family the summer of 2009. They think I’m 3 1/2 now. I’m part American Foxhound and something else…probably part cat. I love to give hugs and eat whatever treats I can find.

Watch for future posts from me about my adventures around town!